Week of July 4 ~ 10
So here is my training program for the next approx 11 weeks. It's a 21-day cycle.
Mon 0
Tue 20 5k@5:15~5:30, 10k@5:00, 5k@4:20 (marathon pace)
Wed 11 w/ 6k of fast intervals
Thu 15 Easy
Fri 24 w/ last 4k @ 4:00 ~ 4:10
Sat 15 Easy
Sun 35 Starting easy, getting faster, average about 5:00
Total 120
Mon 0
Tue 20 5k@5:15~5:30, 10k@5:00, 5k@4:20
Wed 10 w/ 6k of fast intervals
Thu 15 Easy
Fri 20 w/ last 4k @ 3:50 ~ 4:00
Sat 15 Easy
Sun 25 1st cycle: 6.5k easy, 6 x [1k@3:50/k, 1k@5:30/k], 6.5k@whatever
2nd cycle: 6.5k easy, 6 x [1.5k@4:00/k, .5k@6:00/k], 6.5k@whatever
3rd cycle: 5k easy, 5 x [2k@4:10/k, 1k@5:00/k], 5k@whatever
Total 105
Mon 0
Tue 20 5k@5:15~5:30, 10k@5:00, 5k@4:20
Wed 11 w/ 6k of fast intervals
Thu 15 Easy
Fri 24 24@ 5:00 ~ 5:15
Sat 15 Easy
Sun 32 w/ last 16k @ 4:20
Total 117
Do once: 35k. 10k easy, 10k mod, 10k MP, 2k v easy, 3k all out
(Actually this is for 3-4 wks before a marathon, but since I won't do a fall marathon-did not get into Tsukuba so will do a Half in Sept and another in Nov.- this is not really necessary)
Accordingly, the past week looked like:
Plan: 0/20/11/15/24/15/35 - 120km
Ran: 0/20/11/0 /24/15/30 - 100 km / 62 mi.
11:30 - machines and core at gym
4:00 - 20k in 1:44:44
29:04/27:28/25:19 @5:49/30/04
Last 5K - 5:19/4:24/27/26/14 aver of 4k: 4:23 (MP is 4:21)
Hot, so would've been happy with 4:30. Legs felt tired first 10k, but finally "warmed up."
Weather: 30C/86F, 50%, cloudy
Weight: 60.2kg
Shoes: 180g AdiZero Japan
7:30pm - 6 x 1000m at the track
3:53/42/43/49/45/41 (200m jog, total time 6:30-7:00)
Felt tired. A bit better after the first, but legs not fresh at all. A bit of a struggle.
Weather: 27C/81F at the track
Weight: 60.3kg
Shoes: 160g
Rest. Am: work, PM: out. Could have run 6k, but felt tired so decided a rest would be more beneficial. Be flexible!
11:30 - machines and core
1:00 - 24k in 2:05:57
last 4k: 4:42/50/47/40 aver: 4:44
Very hot and humid. Legs tired after 18k. No way I could run 4:00~4:10 pace, or even 4:20~4:30. Happy to run 4:44. Also had a side stitch last 8k due I think to drinking too much water 1km previously.
Weather: 32C/90F, 50%, cloudy
Weight: 60.4kg
Shoes: 185g
1:00 - 15k in 1:24:39 @5:39
Hot. Ran along Tamagawa Josui (water course), which is shady.
Legs felt tired.
Weather: 34C/93F, 40%, sunny
Weight: 59.7kg
3:15 - 30k in 2:38:15 @5:16
Very hot, so decided on 30k instead of 35, which was a good call.
Felt ok after 5k. Achieved the progressive run (each 5k faster), which was good. Picked up last 2k in 4:43,4:34 and felt ok, although pretty hot and tired. Stopped for water five times and ate some carbo jelly cube things also.
Weather: 34C/93F —> 30C/86F, 40%, sunny (course is probably 2/3 in the shade.)
Weight: 60.2kg
Shoes: 180g
Obviously, it's hard to run when it's over 30C, which it will be most days in July and August, so the times and maybe even distances in the program may have to be scaled back a bit, which is ok. It's the effort that counts!
7 hours ago
good luck with this phase of the training. how will you measure the effort in high heat and humidity? hr?