Week of June 19 ~ 25
After having a cold, or probably some type of virus since colds don't last that long, I developed sinusitis on Wednesday. This occurs when you have a cold/virus, and your sinus cavities fill with fluid. Germs get into the fluid and the area becomes infected. The result is pain in the sinus area, the left side in my case, which can be quite intense. As it was on thursday, when it radiated all the way down to my jaw, causing my back teeth on the left side to be extremely sore - like, sore to the touch and impossible to chew on that side. I just kept popping ibuprofen until the pain was manageable.
Needless to say, I didn't run thursday or friday. By saturday it was not too bad, so was able to do a long interval workout of 4K, 3K, 2K at around 4:30-4:40 per k. I still had chest congestion and it was very hot as well.
Did an easy 90 mins. on Sunday, with some coughing and slight sinus pain.
Note: There are home remedies for sinusitis, like breathing in steam, but they don't work very well on a bad case. Antibiotics work, but I stay away from those. And it can last for many weeks. Hopefully mine won't, but one week later and I still have discomfort when I lie down - it's ok when I'm upright. Unfortunately, you have to lie down to go to bed.
Week of June 26 ~ July 2
Monday - 60 mins.
Tuesday - 60 mins. and gym workout.
Wednesday - 5,000m time trial, but I took it easy (23:21) because the big multi-club time trial is tomorrow.
Thursday - 5,000m time trial in 21:15. Not bad, but not particularly good. I felt ok, but just didn't have it to go faster. Had people to run with, too. I still have some chest congestion, so that might have been a factor, along with warm, humid weather. Not hot, though, it was at 7pm.
I hope I can run faster at the end of July, to set myself up for the 10K race on Aug. 5 in the US.
Friday - 50 mins, gym workout. Legs felt ok.
Saturday - 70 mins. including 3k x 2 at 4:39 and 4:37 pace. Felt ok, but legs a bit tired. Just after a rain, so VERY humid.
Sunday - 120 mins. A long, tiring run.
Totals for the week were 7:45 running time and 76.8km.
My weight is down to 59kg and staying there, so that's good.
7 hours ago
You're hanging in there well. I'm coming off a cold myself and it really takes the edge off in terms of performance and recovery. Hope there's improvement next week.