That's my mantra these days, for getting into better shape and losing weight. Now to see if I can actually do it.
Week of April 3 ~ 9
This was pre-mantra, and I only ran 49k with two days off. Did a decent tempo run on monday and a good 1000m x 6 workout on wednesday night, averaging about 4:14 with the last one at 4:08. Not sure if the distance was exact, as we ran a slightly different loop due to many cherry blossom viewing revelers in the park, but it was pretty close.
Weight was around 61.5kg
Week of April 10 ~ 16
Once again, only ran 5 days due to cold rain on Tuesday and HS track meet on Saturday, but got up to 70k with two good workouts and three long runs.
Monday was a moderate tempo run with the kids, Wednesday was 1200 x 3, 800 x 2, 400 x1, as we were back on our track (!) after more than a year. That called for 12s and 8s rather than the 1000s we've been doing for so long.
Ran at about a 4:08/1000m pace, despite not feeling great, there being a strong wind on the homestretch and the track being absolutely packed with people (several hundreds). Seemed like all the clubs were happy to be back.
Thursday - 100 mins. although had two long rests as I ran to school then to the track (HS team practice), then home.
Friday - 50 mins and 70 mins, with a gym workout in between. Two-a-days seems like a good idea to save some wear and tear on the legs. I'll try to do more of these, especially when track season is over.
Sunday - 90 mins., after "exercising" for about two hours cleaning up leaves, weeds and so on around the house.
Weight down to around 60.5kg.
Nice to see the NY Times article, "To add years to your life, running is the best way." Results of a large study showed that "if every non-runner who had been part of the reviwwed studies took up the sport, there would have been 16 percent fewer deaths over all (sic), and 25 percent fewer heart attacks." And "The good news is that prolonged running does not seem to become counterproductive for longevity."
But we knew that, didn't we?
23 hours ago